INDYCAR and its AMR INDYCAR Safety Team are an industry leader in motorsports safety and has been
instrumental in revolutionizing the sport.
The AMR INDYCAR Safety Team consists of approximately 30 safety personnel with a minimum of 18
attending each event – a trauma physician, an orthopedic physician, two paramedics, 12 firefighters/EMTs and
two registered nurses. Team personnel have an average of 20 years of experience in their respective fields.
The team travels with four safety vehicles equipped with the most sophisticated Holmatro rescue equipment
and state-of-the-art technology, including a 360-degree video camera in the windshield of each vehicle that
provides real-time video via mobile network to AMR INDYCAR Safety Team members and race control.
The AMR INDYCAR Safety Team works in conjunction with and coordinates the safety personnel staffing at
each venue, including firefighters, ambulance and tow-truck providers and track maintenance crews.
Incident Response
